In Western Australia the Occupational Safety and Health Regulations 1996 require that certain items of plant must be registered with WorkSafe. To register either an item of plant or design an application form must be completed and submitted to WorkSafe along with the correct fees.
Concrete placing boom registration requirements have changed under the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 (PDF, 2.53 MB). To assist businesses with these changes transitional arrangements are currently in place.
Mobile plant, such as forklifts, elevating work platforms, delivery vehicles, order pickers, earth moving equipment, prime movers and cranes, have the potential to seriously injure or kill people if they run into them.

WorkCover WA Acting Chief Executive Officer Mr Chris White today made a media statement announcing a 3.2 per cent increase in the 2017/18 recommended premium rates for compulsory workers’ compensation insurance in Western Australia.
International Women's Day marked the launch of SafeWork SA's Augusta Zadow Awards seeking initiatives to improve women's health and safety at work.
As part of the Government’s ongoing commitment to making information more accessible to the community, the ACT Register of Contaminated Sites is now available online.
Information for employers, self employed persons and persons with management or control of a workplace about their duties to control risks associated with working in and around graves.
This alert highlights the risk to employees and other persons from using poorly manufactured concrete delivery pipes and pipeline components.
A 40% cut in absenteeism and half as many workers smoking are just two of the benefits of health and wellbeing initiatives adopted by the Construction Training Centre.
Findings of the “Improving the health and safety capabilities of young construction workers” shows only a third of worksites provide induction for young workers among other alarming results.